Benefits for Miami

The proposed redevelopment on the site of the Hyatt Regency Miami and Knight Center would unlock new benefits for the City of Miami—benefits that will be enjoyed for generations.


A Gathering Place

There’s some 3 million square feet of development in the Miami Riverbridge plan, up from the current 700,000 square feet of hotel and meeting space. That means we’re optimizing the site, transforming it from a mere hotel and meeting center to a mixed-use destination and gathering place for the community.


A Riverfront for All

We're increasing open space and unlocking a stunning riverfront amenity for Miami residents and visitors.


Creating Jobs

Construction of Miami Riverbridge will create thousands of jobs. The four years of construction will generate some 4,500 jobs, and permanent jobs post-construction will more than double from the current 350 to about 900.


Creating Homes

We’re building 1,500 more rental apartments at a time when Miami truly needs them.


New Revenue for the City of Miami

Over the course of an extended 99-year lease with the city, Miami Riverbridge will deliver a total economic impact in excess of $1 billion for the City of Miami that can be invested in infrastructure improvements, resiliency measures, and quality of life enhancements. That’s 10 times more minimum ground lease rent and 15 times more in City of Miami real estate tax than is generated by the property today. Development Impact and Permitting fees alone will generate some $15 million for the City of Miami.